Words near each other
・ Index of Windows games (Z)
・ Index of Wisconsin-related articles
・ Index of women scientists articles
・ Index of World of Darkness articles
・ Index of World War II articles
・ Index of World War II articles (0–9)
・ Index of World War II articles (A)
・ Index of World War II articles (B)
・ Index of World War II articles (C)
・ Index of World War II articles (D)
・ Index of World War II articles (E)
・ Index of World War II articles (F)
・ Index of World War II articles (G)
・ Index of World War II articles (H)
・ Index of World War II articles (I)
Index of World War II articles (J)
・ Index of World War II articles (K)
・ Index of World War II articles (L)
・ Index of World War II articles (M)
・ Index of World War II articles (N)
・ Index of World War II articles (O)
・ Index of World War II articles (P)
・ Index of World War II articles (Q)
・ Index of World War II articles (R)
・ Index of World War II articles (S)
・ Index of World War II articles (T)
・ Index of World War II articles (U)
・ Index of World War II articles (V)
・ Index of World War II articles (W)
・ Index of World War II articles (X–Z)

Dictionary Lists
翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
スポンサード リンク

Index of World War II articles (J) : ウィキペディア英語版
Index of World War II articles (J)

# J-XX
# J Malan Heslop
# J. Aird Nesbitt
# J. Allen Frear, Jr.
# J. B. Stoner
# J. Braid
# J. C. Gilbert
# J. Caleb Boggs
# J. Carson Mark
# J. D. Salinger
# J. D. Tippit
# J. Douglas Blackwood
# J. F. Lehmann
# J. Fraser McLuskey
# J. Henry Birtles
# J. Howard Miller
# J. J. Nickson
# J. James Exon
# J. Lawton Collins
# J. Minos Simon
# J. P. Donleavy
# J. R. Wasson
# J. Rayburn Bertrand
# J. Robert Elliott
# J. Roger Pichette
# J. Roy Rowland
# J. Salwyn Schapiro
# J. T. Rutherford
# J.R. Bhonsle
# Jędrusie
# Jānis Lipke
# Jūrō Gotō
# Józef Światło
# Józef Arkusz
# Józef Bartosik
# Józef Batory
# Józef Chaciński
# Józef Chyliński
# Józef Cukier
# Józef Cyrankiewicz
# Józef Franczak
# Józef Garliński
# Józef Gasienica
# Józef Grzesiak
# Józef Korbas
# Józef Marcinkiewicz
# Józef Noji
# Józef Olszyna-Wilczyński
# Józef Pukowiec
# Józef Rzepka
# Józef Siemieński
# Józef Stefan Godlewski
# Józef Szajna
# Józef Szczepański
# Józef Unrug
# Józef Zwonarz
# Józefa Kantor
# József Eisenhoffer
# József Vitéz Heszlényi
# József Vértesy
# Jørgen Kieler
# Jørstad River bridge sabotage
# Jaap Boot
# Jaap Meijer
# Jaap Penraat
# Jabit III (B-29)
# Jacek Jędruch
# Jack Aeby
# Jack Agazarian
# Jack Anderson
# Jack Baldwin (RAF officer)
# Jack Beddington
# Jack Beresford
# Jack Black (Viz)
# Jack Breaux
# Jack Broome
# Jack Buck
# Jack C. Montgomery
# Jack Churchill
# Jack Coggins
# Jack Daniels (politician)
# Jack Davis (cartoonist)
# Jack de Manio
# Jack Edwards (Hong Kong)
# Jack Fairman
# Jack Fearey
# Jack Foreman Mantle
# Jack Garfein
# Jack Hallett
# Jack Hargreaves
# Jack Hatfield
# Jack Hayward
# Jack Hinton
# Jack J. Catton
# Jack J. Pendleton
# Jack Kirby
# Jack Klugman
# Jack Kramer (baseball)
# Jack L. Anson
# Jack L. Knight
# Jack L. Treadwell
# Jack Lemmon
# Jack Lummus
# Jack M. Campbell
# Jack Mandelbaum
# Jack Mason Gougar
# Jack McCarthy (footballer)
# Jack Miller, USMC
# Jack Miller
# Jack Oatey
# Jack Owen (footballer)
# Jack P.F. Gremillion
# Jack Paar
# Jack Palance
# Jack Portland
# Jack Reynolds (footballer born 1881)
# Jack Ridley
# Jack Ruby
# Jack Soo
# Jack Stang
# Jack T. Chick
# Jack Tramiel
# Jack Turnbull
# Jack Valenti
# Jack van der Geest
# Jack W. Mathis
# Jack W. Robbins
# Jack Warden
# Jack Webb
# Jack William Wintle
# Jack Williams (Medal of Honor)
# Jack Wong Sue
# Jackboot Mutiny
# Jackdaws
# Jackie Coogan
# Jackie Cooper
# Jackie Fields
# Jackie Rea
# Jackie Robinson
# Jacklyn H. Lucas
# Jackson C. Pharris
# Jackson D. Arnold
# Jackson J. Spielvogel
# Jackson Scholz
# Jacky Novi
# Jacob Beser
# Jacob DeShazer
# Jacob E. Smart
# Jacob Fleck
# Jacob Haight Morrison
# Jacob K. Javits
# Jacob Katz
# Jacob Luitjens
# Jacob Palis
# Jacob van Helsdingen
# Jacqueline Auriol
# Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport
# Jacqueline Cochran
# Jacqueline de Romilly
# Jacqueline Nearne
# Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval
# Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet
# Jacques-Désiré Périatambée
# Jacques-François Ancelot
# Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
# Jacques-Louis David
# Jacques-Marie-Achille Ginoulhiac
# Jacques-Nicolas Colbert
# Jacques-Yves Cousteau
# Jacques Audiard
# Jacques Bonsergent (Paris Métro)
# Jacques Bouveresse
# Jacques Brugnon
# Jacques Cassini
# Jacques Casterède
# Jacques Chaban-Delmas
# Jacques Charles
# Jacques Charon
# Jacques Chastanié
# Jacques Chastenet
# Jacques Chirac
# Jacques Corrèze
# Jacques de Bernonville
# Jacques de Bourbon-Busset
# Jacques de Lacretelle
# Jacques de Mahieu
# Jacques de Vaucanson
# Jacques Delille
# Jacques Delors
# Jacques Desoubrie
# Jacques Diouf
# Jacques Dixmier
# Jacques Doriot
# Jacques Doucet (fashion designer)
# Jacques Doyasbere
# Jacques Duclos
# Jacques Dutronc
# Jacques Faitlovitch
# Jacques Hermant
# Jacques Laffite
# Jacques Laurent
# Jacques Lecoq
# Jacques Leguerney
# Jacques Lob
# Jacques Lusseyran
# Jacques Marie Boutet
# Jacques Maritain
# Jacques Massu
# Jacques Mathieu Delpech
# Jacques Misonne
# Jacques Monod
# Jacques Ploncard d'Assac
# Jacques Pâris de Bollardière
# Jacques Renouvin
# Jacques Rigaut
# Jacques Rueff
# Jacques Rémy
# Jacques Simon
# Jacques Soustelle
# Jacques Tits
# Jacques Yoko
# Jade Jagger
# Jadgschloss radar
# Jadwiga Falkowska
# Jagdfliegerführer 1
# Jagdfliegerführer 2
# Jagdfliegerführer 3
# Jagdfliegerführer 4
# Jagdfliegerführer 5
# Jagdfliegerführer Bretagne
# Jagdfliegerführer Norwegen
# Jagdfliegerführer Oberitalien
# Jagdfliegerführer Ostmark
# Jagdfliegerführer Rumänien
# Jagdfliegerführer Sizilien
# Jagdfliegerführer Ungarn
# Jagdgeschwader 1 (World War 2)
# Jagdgeschwader 101
# Jagdgeschwader 11
# Jagdgeschwader 2
# Jagdgeschwader 26
# Jagdgeschwader 27
# Jagdgeschwader 3
# Jagdgeschwader 300
# Jagdgeschwader 4
# Jagdgeschwader 5
# Jagdgeschwader 51
# Jagdgeschwader 52
# Jagdgeschwader 53
# Jagdgeschwader 54
# Jagdgeschwader 6
# Jagdgeschwader 7
# Jagdgeschwader 77
# Jagdgeschwader z.b.V.
# Jagdpanther
# Jagdpanzer IV
# Jagdpanzer
# Jagdtiger
# Jagdverband 44
# Jagdwaffe
# Jai Hind Post-mark
# Jai Hind
# Jajinci
# Jakab Kauser
# Jake Jones
# Jake W. Lindsey
# Jake Warren
# Jakes Mulholland
# Jakie Astor
# Jakob Ehrlich
# Jakob Grimminger
# Jakob Kaiser
# Jakob Ritter von Danner
# Jakob Rosenfeld
# Jakob Sprenger
# Jakob the Liar
# Jakob van Hoddis
# Jakow Trachtenberg
# Jamar Adcock
# James 'Dixie' Deans
# James "Bud" Walton
# James "Earthquake McGoon" McGovern Jr.
# James A. Hill
# James A. Martin
# James A. Michener
# James Alexander Forrest
# James Alexander McQuirter
# James Allen Ward
# James Arness
# James B. Edwards
# James B. Pearson
# James Bassett (author)
# James Beaton II
# James Belton Bonsall
# James Blackburn (RAF officer)
# James Blish
# James Bradley (author)
# James Brian Tait
# James Brooker
# James Bruce Scott
# James Burnham
# James C. Gardner
# James C. Murray
# James C. Owens, Jr.
# James C. Quayle
# James Cassels (British Army officer)
# James Chadwick
# James Chichester-Clark, Baron Moyola
# James Clavell
# James Colescott
# James Connolly (athlete born 1868)
# James Coyle murder
# James Coyle
# James Coyne
# James Crichton
# James Cross
# James D. Hodgson
# James D. La Belle
# James D. Martin
# James D. Murray
# James D. Slaton
# James Debbah
# James Devereux
# James Dickey
# James Doohan
# James Dougherty (police officer)
# James E. Briggs
# James E. Hill
# James E. Johnson
# James E. Lockyer
# James E. Robinson, Jr.
# James E. Swett
# James E. Van Zandt
# James Earl Carter, Sr.
# James Earl Rudder
# James Edward Moore
# James Eli Watson
# James Francis Collins
# James F. Lind
# James Fechet
# James Ferguson (general)
# James Fife, Jr.
# James Ford Seale
# James Forrestal
# James Fownes Somerville
# James Francis Edward Keith
# James Francis Edwards
# James Franck
# James G. Fulton
# James Godfrey MacManaway
# James Griffith
# James H. Critchfield
# James H. Diamond
# James H. Douglas, Jr.
# James H. Fields
# James H. Howard
# James H. Kasler
# James H. Polk
# James H. Weaver
# James Hargest
# James Harry Lacey
# James Heather Gordon
# James Henry Mills
# James Henry Whalen
# James Hill (British Army officer)
# James Hutton
# James I. Poynter
# James J. Braddock
# James J. Eagan
# James J. Martin
# James Jabara
# James Jackman
# James Jesus Angleton
# James Joll
# James Jones (author)
# James Joseph Kingstone
# James Joseph Magennis
# James Juvenal
# James K. Okubo
# James K. Woolnough
# James Keegstra
# James Klugmann
# James L. Buckley
# James L. Day
# James L. Harris
# James L. Holloway III
# James L. Tuck
# James Lopez Watson
# James Lowther, 7th Earl of Lonsdale
# James M. Burt
# James M. Collins
# James M. Gavin
# James M. Logan
# James M. Quigley
# James MacNabb
# James Mayer de Rothschild
# James McKenzie (boxer)
# James Megellas
# James Meredith
# James Michaels
# James Munro Bertram
# James Murdoch Archer Durrant
# James Noel Thomson
# James O'Meara
# James O. Hall
# James O. Richardson
# James P. O'Donnell
# James Palmer Huffam
# James Patrick Scully
# James Phillip Connor
# James R. Hendrix
# James R. Ward
# James Robert Mann (South Carolina)
# James Robertson Justice
# James Roosevelt
# James Sayers (physicist)
# James Shanahan
# James Shepherd Freeman
# James Simon (composer)
# James Sinclair, 19th Earl of Caithness
# James Sites
# James Stanley Speakman
# James Stewart
# James Stillman Rockefeller
# James Stokes
# James T. Brand
# James Tobin
# James V. Hartinger
# James Van Fleet
# James W. "Catfish" Cole
# James W. Blanchard
# James W. Duckett
# James W. Holley, III
# James W. Reese
# James Whitmore
# James Wilson (WWII)
# James Zealley
# Jan Żabiński
# Jan Baalsrud
# Jan Bols
# Jan Buzek
# Jan Bytnar
# Jan Cornelisse
# Jan Dam (boxer)
# Jan Daszewski
# Jan de Vries (athlete)
# Jan Dobraczyński
# Jan Ekier
# Jan Emil Skiwski
# Jan Ertmański
# Jan Šverma
# Jan Gerbich
# Jan Gies
# Jan Graliński
# Jan Halvarsson
# Jan Hoffmann
# Jan Józef Lipski
# Jan Jagmin-Sadowski
# Jan Jesensky, Jr.
# Jan Karcz
# Jan Karski
# Jan Kowalewski
# Jan Kubiš
# Jan Kwapiński
# Jan Masaryk
# Jan Mazurkiewicz
# Jan Moor-Jankowski
# Jan Mosdorf
# Jan Nowak-Jeziorański
# Jan Opletal
# Jan Piwnik
# Jan Rodowicz
# Jan Romocki
# Jan Rubczak
# Jan Saudek
# Jan Smuts
# Jan Stanisław Jankowski
# Jan Stanisław Olbrycht
# Jan Twardowski
# ''Jan van Amstel''-class minesweeper
# Jan van Hoof
# Jan van Reede
# Jan Vreede
# Jan Włodarkiewicz
# Jan Wasiewicz
# Jan Zamoyski (1912-2002)
# Jan Zumbach
# Janaky Athi Nahappan
# Jane's WWII Fighters
# Jane Avril
# Jane Bernigau
# Jane Gylling
# Jane Haining
# Janelly Fourtou
# Janet Lynn
# Jankiel Wiernik
# Janko Bobetko
# Janowa Dolina
# Janowska
# January 28 Incident
# Janusz Ślązak
# Janusz Żurakowski
# Janusz Bokszczanin
# Janusz Korczak
# Janusz Kusociński
# Janusz Piekałkiewicz
# Janusz Zabłocki
# Jaouad Zairi
# Japan campaign
# Japan Self-Defense Forces
# Japanese-German pre-WWII industrial co-operation
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Akagi''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Amagi''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Aso''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Chūyō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Chitose''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Chiyoda''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Hōshō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Hiryū''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Hiyō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Jun'yō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Kaga''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Kaiyo''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Katsuragi''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Ryūhō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Ryūjō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Sōryū''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Shōhō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Shōkaku''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Shinano''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Shinyo''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Taihō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Taiyō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Unryū''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Unyō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Zuihō''
# Japanese aircraft carrier ''Zuikaku''
# Japanese American Citizens League
# Japanese American internment
# Japanese American life after World War II
# Japanese American life before World War II
# Japanese American redress and court cases
# Japanese battlecruiser ''Amagi''
# Japanese battleship ''Aki''
# Japanese battleship ''Asahi''
# Japanese battleship ''Fuji''
# Japanese battleship ''Fusō''
# Japanese battleship ''Haruna''
# Japanese battleship ''Hatsuse''
# Japanese battleship ''Hiei''
# Japanese battleship ''Hyūga''
# Japanese battleship ''Iki''
# Japanese battleship ''Ise''
# Japanese battleship ''Iwami''
# Japanese battleship ''Kashima''
# Japanese battleship ''Katori''
# Japanese battleship ''Kawachi''
# Japanese battleship ''Kirishima''
# Japanese battleship ''Kongō''
# Japanese battleship ''Mikasa''
# Japanese battleship ''Mishima''
# Japanese battleship ''Musashi''
# Japanese battleship ''Mutsu''
# Japanese battleship ''Nagato''
# Japanese battleship ''Okinoshima''
# Japanese battleship ''Ryūjō'' (1864)
# Japanese battleship ''Sagami''
# Japanese battleship ''Satsuma''
# Japanese battleship ''Settsu''
# Japanese battleship ''Shikishima''
# Japanese battleship ''Tango''
# Japanese battleship ''Tosa''
# Japanese battleship ''Yamashiro''
# Japanese battleship ''Yamato'
# Japanese battleship ''Yashima''
# Japanese Burma Area Army
# Japanese Canadian internment
# Japanese capture of Burma
# Japanese Central China Area Army
# Japanese China Garrison Army
# Japanese coastal battleship ''Heien''
# Japanese corvette ''Amagi''
# Japanese corvette ''Hiei'' (1877)
# Japanese corvette ''Kaimon''
# Japanese corvette ''Katsuragi''
# Japanese corvette ''Kongō'' (1877)
# Japanese corvette ''Musashi''
# Japanese corvette ''Tenryū''
# Japanese corvette ''Yamato''
# Japanese cruiser ''Ōi''
# Japanese cruiser ''Ōyodo''
# Japanese cruiser ''Abukuma''
# Japanese cruiser ''Agano''
# Japanese cruiser ''Akashi''
# Japanese cruiser ''Akitsushima''
# Japanese cruiser ''Aoba''
# Japanese cruiser ''Asama''
# Japanese cruiser ''Ashigara''
# Japanese cruiser ''Aso''
# Japanese cruiser ''Atago''
# Japanese cruiser ''Azuma''
# Japanese cruiser ''Chōkai''
# Japanese cruiser ''Chikuma'' (1911)
# Japanese cruiser ''Chikuma'' (1938)
# Japanese cruiser ''Chishima''
# Japanese cruiser ''Chitose''
# Japanese cruiser ''Chiyoda''
# Japanese cruiser ''Furutaka''
# Japanese cruiser ''Haguro''
# Japanese cruiser ''Hashidate''
# Japanese cruiser ''Hirado''
# Japanese cruiser ''Ibuki'' (1907)
# Japanese cruiser ''Ibuki'' (1943)
# Japanese cruiser ''Ikoma''
# Japanese cruiser ''Isuzu''
# Japanese cruiser ''Itsukushima''
# Japanese cruiser ''Iwate''
# Japanese cruiser ''Izumi''
# Japanese cruiser ''Izumo''
# Japanese cruiser ''Jintsu''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kako''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kasagi''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kashii''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kashima''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kasuga''
# Japanese cruiser ''Katori''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kinu''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kinugasa''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kiso''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kitakami''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kuma''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kumano''
# Japanese cruiser ''Kurama''
# Japanese cruiser ''Matsushima''
# Japanese cruiser ''Maya''
# Japanese cruiser ''Mikuma''
# Japanese cruiser ''Mogami'' (1908)
# Japanese cruiser ''Mogami'' (1934)
# Japanese cruiser ''Myōkō''
# Japanese cruiser ''Nachi''
# Japanese cruiser ''Nagara''
# Japanese cruiser ''Naka''
# Japanese cruiser ''Naniwa''
# Japanese cruiser ''Natori''
# Japanese cruiser ''Niitaka''
# Japanese cruiser ''Nishin''
# Japanese cruiser ''Noshiro''
# Japanese cruiser ''Otowa''
# Japanese cruiser ''Saien''
# Japanese cruiser ''Sakawa''
# Japanese cruiser ''Sendai''
# Japanese cruiser ''Soya''
# Japanese cruiser ''Suma''
# Japanese cruiser ''Suzuya'' (1904)
# Japanese cruiser ''Suzuya'' (1934)
# Japanese cruiser ''Takachiko''
# Japanese cruiser ''Takao''
# Japanese cruiser ''Takasago''
# Japanese cruiser ''Tama''
# Japanese cruiser ''Tatsuta''
# Japanese cruiser ''Tenryū''
# Japanese cruiser ''Tokiwa''
# Japanese cruiser ''Tone'' (1907)
# Japanese cruiser ''Tone'' (1937)
# Japanese cruiser ''Tsugaru''
# Japanese cruiser ''Tsukuba''
# Japanese cruiser ''Tsushima''
# Japanese cruiser ''Unebi''
# Japanese cruiser ''Yūbari''
# Japanese cruiser ''Yaeyama''
# Japanese cruiser ''Yahagi'' (1911)
# Japanese cruiser ''Yahagi'' (1942)
# Japanese cruiser ''Yakumo''
# Japanese cruiser ''Yodo''
# Japanese cruiser ''Yoshino''
# Japanese cruiser ''Yura''
# Japanese declaration of war on the United States and Britain
# Japanese Devils
# Japanese Eighteenth Area Army
# Japanese Eighth Area Army
# Japanese Eleventh Area Army
# Japanese escort ''Hachijo''
# Japanese escort ''Ishigaki''
# Japanese expansion (1941-1942)
# Japanese Fifteenth Area Army
# Japanese Fifth Area Army
# Japanese Fifth Army
# Japanese First Area Army
# Japanese First Army
# Japanese Fourteenth Area Army
# Japanese Fourth Army
# Japanese government-issued Philippine fiat peso
# Japanese gunboat ''Akagi''
# Japanese gunboat ''Ataka''
# Japanese gunboat ''Atami''
# Japanese gunboat ''Chiyodagata''
# Japanese gunboat ''Futami''
# Japanese gunboat ''Hira''
# Japanese gunboat ''Hozu''
# Japanese gunboat ''Katada''
# Japanese gunboat ''Kotaka''
# Japanese gunboat ''Seta''
# Japanese gunboat ''Sumida''
# Japanese gunboat ''Toba''
# Japanese gunboat ''Tsukushi''
# Japanese holdout
# Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act
# Japanese Instrument of Surrender
# Japanese Invasion of Malaya
# Japanese Invasion of Thailand
# Japanese ironclad ''Kōtetsu''
# Japanese ironclad warship ''Fusō''
# Japanese marine paratroopers of World War II
# Japanese militarism
# Japanese Military Propaganda (WWII)
# Japanese military strategies in 1942
# Japanese military yen
# Japanese minelayer ''Itsukushima''
# Japanese minelayer ''Yaeyama''
# Japanese mining and energy resources (WWII)
# Japanese Northern China Area Army
# Japanese occupation of Burma
# Japanese occupation of Guam
# Japanese occupation of Hong Kong
# Japanese occupation of Indonesia
# Japanese occupation of Malaya
# Japanese occupation of British Borneo
# Japanese occupation of Singapore
# Japanese orphans in China
# Japanese prisoners of war in the Soviet Union
# Japanese raiders in Indian Ocean Campaign
# Japanese ranks and insignia during World War II
# Japanese Relocation (1942 film)
# Japanese seaplane carrier ''Wakamiya''
# Japanese Second Area Army
# Japanese Second Army
# Japanese Seventeenth Area Army
# Japanese Seventh Area Army
# Japanese ship naming conventions
# Japanese Sixteenth Area Army
# Japanese Sixth Area Army
# Japanese Sixth Army
# Japanese Southern China Area Army
# Japanese Special Attack Units
# Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces
# Japanese submarine ''I-1''
# Japanese submarine ''I-124''
# Japanese submarine ''I-168''
# Japanese submarine ''I-17''
# Japanese submarine ''I-177''
# Japanese submarine ''I-19''
# Japanese submarine ''I-21''
# Japanese submarine ''I-25''
# Japanese submarine ''I-26''
# Japanese submarine ''I-29''
# Japanese submarine ''I-30''
# Japanese submarine ''I-34''
# Japanese submarine ''I-52'' (1943)
# Japanese submarine ''I-8''
# Japanese submarine ''RO-45''
# Japanese Surrendered Personnel
# Japanese Tenth Area Army
# Japanese Third Area Army
# Japanese Third Army
# Japanese Thirteenth Area Army
# Japanese torpedo boat ''Kotaka''
# Japanese torpedo boat ''Tomozuru''
# Japanese Twelfth Area Army
# Japanese War Crimes: Murder Under The Sun
# Japanese war crimes
# Japanese war tuba
# Japanese warship ''Asahi Maru''
# Japanese warship ''Hōō Maru''
# Japanese warship ''Hōshō''
# Japanese warship ''Kanrin Maru''
# Japanese warship ''Kasuga'' (1862)
# Japanese warship ''Moshun''
# Japanese warship ''San Buena Ventura''
# Japanese warship ''San Juan Bautista''
# Japanese warship ''Shohei Maru''
# Japanese warship ''Takao''
# Japanese World War II destroyers
# Japhet N'Doram
# Jaques of London
# Jardin d'Acclimatation
# Jardin de Tivoli, Paris
# Jardin des Plantes
# Jardin du Luxembourg
# Jardin Turc
# Jarosław Dąbrowski
# Jaroslav Jiřík
# Jaroslav Krejčí
# Jarvis Cocker
# Jascha Horenstein
# Jasenovac concentration camp
# Jasenovac i Gradiška Stara
# Jasmin (Paris Métro)
# Jason Robards
# Jasper Maskelyne
# Jassy–Kishinev Offensive (August 1944)
# Jasta 11
# Jaurès (Paris Métro)
# Java murder of three Australian officers 17 April 1946
# Javel - André Citroën (Paris Métro)
# Jawaharlal Nehru
# Jay-Jay Okocha
# Jay Hebert
# Jay Humphry
# Jay Pierrepont Moffat
# Jay T. Robbins
# Jay U. Gunter
# Jay Williams (author)
# Jay Zeamer, Jr.
# JB-2 Launch Site (USA)
# Je suis partout
# Jean-Étienne-Marie Portalis
# Jean-Étienne Valluy
# Jean-Antoine Chaptal
# Jean-Antoine de Mesmes
# Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
# Jean-Baptiste-Louis Gresset
# Jean-Baptiste Berlier
# Jean-Baptiste Biot
# Jean-Baptiste Claude Eugène Guillaume
# Jean-Baptiste Colbert
# Jean-Baptiste Corneille
# Jean-Baptiste de La Curne de Sainte-Palaye
# Jean-Baptiste Dubos
# Jean-Baptiste Dumas
# Jean-Baptiste Dureau de la Malle
# Jean-Baptiste Gail
# Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire
# Jean-Baptiste Isabey
# Jean-Baptiste Janssens
# Jean-Baptiste Labat
# Jean-Baptiste Lafond
# Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
# Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvrai
# Jean-Baptiste Mimiague
# Jean-Baptiste Rousseau
# Jean-Baptiste Say
# Jean-Baptiste Vivien de Châteaubrun
# Jean-Bernard Raimond
# Jean-Charles de Borda
# Jean-Charles Trouabal
# Jean-Christophe Grangé
# Jean-Christophe Thomas
# Jean-Christophe Thouvenel
# Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
# Jean-Claude Bras
# Jean-Claude Killy
# Jean-Claude Lemoult
# Jean-Claude Osman
# Jean-Claude Pressac
# Jean-Claude Suaudeau
# Jean-Daniel Dätwyler
# Jean-Denis Bredin
# Jean-Dominique Bauby
# Jean-François Beltramini
# Jean-François Bizot
# Jean-François Champollion
# Jean-François de La Harpe
# Jean-François Deniau
# Jean-François Ducis
# Jean-François Leriget de La Faye
# Jean-François Lyotard
# Jean-François Marmontel
# Jean-Félix Adolphe Gambart
# Jean-Gabriel Castel
# Jean-Gaspard Deburau
# Jean-Guy Gauthier
# Jean-Henri Gourgaud
# Jean-Hugues Ateba
# Jean-Jacques Ampère
# Jean-Jacques Eydelie
# Jean-Jacques Goldman
# Jean-Jacques Lefranc, marquis de Pompignan
# Jean-Jacques Pierre
# Jean-Jacques Renouard de Villayer
# Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber
# Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant
# Jean-Joseph Carriès
# Jean-Joseph Languet de Gergy
# Jean-Lambert Tallien
# Jean-Louis-Paul-François, 5th duc de Noailles
# Jean-Louis Barrault
# Jean-Louis Garcia
# Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac
# Jean-Louis Koszul
# Jean-Louis Laya
# Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour
# Jean-Loup Dabadie
# Jean-Luc Godard
# Jean-Luc Sassus
# Jean-Marc Chanelet
# Jean-Marc Nattier
# Jean-Marc Pilorget
# Jean-Marcel Jeanneney
# Jean-Marie Charles Abrial
# Jean-Marie Collot d'Herbois
# Jean-Marie Hullot
# Jean-Marie Lehn
# Jean-Marie Lustiger
# Jean-Marie Rouart
# Jean-Martial Kipré
# Jean-Martin Charcot
# Jean-Michel Badiane
# Jean-Michel Ferri
# Jean-Michel Larqué
# Jean-Nicolas Pache
# Jean-Noël Huck
# Jean-Noël Jeanneney
# Jean-Paul Bertrand-Demanes
# Jean-Paul Marna
# Jean-Paul Rostagni
# Jean-Paul Sartre
# Jean-Philippe Fleurian
# Jean-Pierre-André Amar
# Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat
# Jean-Pierre Adams
# Jean-Pierre Aumont
# Jean-Pierre Azéma
# Jean-Pierre Barda
# Jean-Pierre Changeux
# Jean-Pierre Cortot
# Jean-Pierre Dantan
# Jean-Pierre Dogliani
# Jean-Pierre Jabouille
# Jean-Pierre Kahane
# Jean-Pierre Léaud
# Jean-Pierre Ponnelle
# Jean-Pierre Sauvage
# Jean-Pierre Serre
# Jean-Pierre Simb
# Jean-Pierre Stock
# Jean-Pierre Timbaud
# Jean-Pierre Tokoto
# Jean-Pierre Vernant
# Jean-Pierre Wimille
# Jean-Rodolphe Perronet
# Jean-Roland Malet
# Jean-Sifrein Maury
# Jean-Yves Girard
# Jean-Yves Le Gallou
# Jean-Yves Mvoto
# Jean Aicard
# Jean Améry
# Jean Antoine Injalbert
# Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
# Jean Baptiste Antoine Auget de Montyon
# Jean Baptiste Emile Vidal
# Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre
# Jean Baptiste Massillon
# Jean Bayard
# Jean Benner-Fries
# Jean Bernard (physician)
# Jean Borotra
# Jean Bourgain
# Jean Casimir-Perier
# Jean Cau (rower)
# Jean Cavaillès
# Jean Cayrol
# Jean Ces
# Jean Chalgrin
# Jean Chapelain
# Jean Chardin
# Jean Charles Flipart
# Jean Cocteau
# Jean Coleman (officer)
# Jean Collas
# Jean d'Estrées
# Jean d'Ormesson
# Jean Daniélou
# Jean Darcet
# Jean de Beaumont
# Jean de Broglie
# Jean de Brunhoff
# Jean de Dieu-Raymond de Cucé de Boisgelin
# Jean de La Bruyère
# Jean de La Fontaine
# Jean de Laborde
# Jean de Lattre de Tassigny
# Jean de Montigny
# Jean de Suarez d'Aulan
# Jean Decoux
# Jean Delarge
# Jean Deloffre
# Jean Delumeau
# Jean Djorkaeff
# Jean Dondelinger
# Jean Dutourd
# Jean Etcheberry
# Jean Françaix
# Jean François Boissonade de Fontarabie
# Jean François de Saint-Lambert
# Jean Gabin
# Jean Galbert de Campistron
# Jean Gaston Darboux
# Jean Gilles (Soldier)
# Jean Giraud
# Jean Gounot
# Jean Graton
# Jean Grelaud
# Jean Gutweninger
# Jean Hérold-Paquis
# Jean Ichbiah
# Jean Jacques Flipart
# Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès
# Jean Jérome
# Jean le Rond d'Alembert
# Jean Leclant
# Jean Leguay
# Jean Louis Émile Boudier
# Jean Louis Burnouf
# Jean Luchaire
# Jean Luciano
# Jean Lécuyer
# Jean Martin
# Jean Mistler
# Jean Moulin
# Jean Ousset
# Jean Piat
# Jean Pierre-Bloch
# Jean Pierre Cherid
# Jean Pierre Flourens
# Jean Prouvé
# Jean Prévost
# Jean Racine
# Jean Renaud de Segrais
# Jean Richepin
# Jean Rostand
# Jean Rémy
# Jean Schlumberger (jewelry designer)
# Jean Servais
# Jean Sirmond
# Jean Suret-Canale
# Jean Sylvain Bailly
# Jean Tatlock
# Jean Tiberi
# Jean Vaysse
# Jean Victoire Audouin
# Jean Victor Allard
# Jean Welter
# Jean Wicki
# Jean Ybarnegaray
# Jean, duc de Decazes
# Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
# Jeanette Wohl
# Jeanne Balibar
# Jeanne Coroller-Danio
# Jeanne Delvair
# Jeanne Hébuterne
# Jeanne Loriod
# Jeanne Moreau
# Jeanne Paquin
# Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
# JEATH War Museum
# Jedwabne pogrom
# Jeff Cooper (colonel)
# Jeff Davis Woodson
# Jefferson in Paris
# Jefferson J. DeBlanc
# Jeffrey Hamm
# Jeffrey Herf
# Jeffrey Hunter
# Jehan Alain
# Jenkin Robert Oswald Thompson
# Jennifer Azzi
# Jenny-Wanda Barkmann
# Jens Christian Hauge
# Jens Hundseid
# Jens Müller
# Jerome War Relocation Center
# Jerrold R. Zacharias
# Jerry (WWII)
# Jerry Atkinson
# Jerry Coleman
# Jerry D. Page
# Jerry Rosholt
# Jerry Wexler
# Jerrycan
# Jerzy Braun
# Jerzy Einhorn
# Jerzy Ficowski
# Jerzy Jan Lerski
# Jerzy Kirchmayer
# Jerzy Niezbrzycki
# Jerzy Różycki
# Jerzy Skolimowski (rower)
# Jerzy Szacki
# Jerzy Ustupski
# Jerzy Wołkowicki
# Jerzy Wojnar
# Jerzy Zagórski
# Jerzy Zborowski
# Jess Hill
# Jesse Addison Udall
# Jesse Helms
# Jesse Holman Jones
# Jesse Monroe Knowles
# Jesse R. Drowley
# Jesse R. Pitts
# Jesse Rutherford, Jr.
# Jessie Vasey
# Jesús A. Villamor
# Jesus Baza Duenas
# Jeune Europe
# Jewish Amsterdam
# Jewish Brigade
# Jewish Children's Home in Oslo
# Jewish Combat Organization
# Jewish deportees from Norway during World War II
# Jewish Military Union
# Jewish partisans
# Jewish Police (Holocaust)
# Jewish resistance during the Holocaust
# Jews outside Europe under Nazi occupation
# Jezdimir Dangić
# JF-17 Thunder
# Ji Hongchang
# Ji Shengde
# Jiří Raška
# Jiang Dingwen
# Jiang Guangnai
# Jianggezhuang
# Jiangqiao Campaign
# Jiffs
# Jigme Wangchuk
# Jilin Self-Defence Army
# Jim Brideweser
# Jim Butterfield (football)
# Jim Clark (sheriff)
# Jim Crowley
# Jim Dunnigan
# Jim Fridley
# Jim Garrison
# Jim Hensley
# Jim Humphreys
# Jim Lawrence (football player)
# Jim Leavelle
# Jim Mooney (football player)
# Jim Morrison
# Jim Moscrip
# Jim Park (footballer)
# Jim Siedow
# Jim Somerville
# Jim Thompson (designer)
# Jim Wallwork
# Jim Wright
# Jimmie W. Monteith
# Jimmy Algerino
# Jimmy Dell
# Jimmy Doolittle
# Jimmy Douglas (American soccer player)
# Jimmy Edwards
# Jimmy Fitzmorris
# Jimmy Hughes (footballer)
# Jimmy Juan
# Jimmy Launders
# Jimmy Modeste
# Jimmy Mullen (footballer born 1923)
# Jimmy T. Murakami
# Jimmy Patterson
# Jin-Roh
# Jinan Incident
# Jinan Military Region
# Jing Shan-Zhongxiang Campaign
# Jinggangshan Mountains
# Jinichi Kusaka
# Jinzaburō Masaki
# Jirō Minami
# Jirō Shiizaki
# Jirō Tamon
# Jisaburō Ozawa
# JM cloche
# Jüdischer Kulturbund
# Jürgen Graf
# Jürgen Rieger
# Jürgen Stroop
# Jüri Uluots
# Jo Grimond
# Jo Gullett
# Jo Iimura
# Jo Spier
# Jože Javoršek
# Joachim Albrecht Eggeling
# Joachim Brendel
# Joachim Fest
# Joachim Helbig
# Joachim Hoffmann
# Joachim Kirschner
# Joachim Lemelsen
# Joachim Müncheberg
# Joachim Mrugowsky
# Joachim Murat
# Joachim Peiper
# Joachim Rønneberg
# Joachim Schepke
# Joachim von Ribbentrop
# Joan-Eleanor system
# Joan Bartlett
# Joan Hughes
# Joan of Paris
# Joanna Cruickshank
# Jocelyn Angloma
# Jocelyn Gourvennec
# Jocelyn Simon, Baron Simon of Glaisdale
# Jocelyn Woollcombe
# Jock column
# Jock Colville
# Jock Lewes
# Joe's Bridge
# Joe Abbey
# Joe Baker-Cresswell
# Joe Benoit
# Joe C. Specker
# Joe D. Smith, Jr.
# Joe David Brown
# Joe DiMaggio
# Joe E. Mann
# Joe Ekins
# Joe Flanigan
# Joe Foss
# Joe Gray Taylor
# Joe Greene (Ontario politician)
# Joe Hayashi
# Joe Henry Cooper
# Joe Hunt (tennis)
# Joe Kendrick Sr.
# Joe Kieyoomia
# Joe Louis
# Joe M. Jackson
# Joe M. Nishimoto
# Joe Maniaci
# Joe McCorquodale
# Joe Mercer
# Joe P. Martinez
# Joe Perry (American football)
# Joe Purcell
# Joe R. Hastings
# Joe Redington
# Joe Rosenthal
# Joe Routt
# Joe Schlesinger
# Joe Shell
# Joe Sinnott
# Joe Sostilio
# Joe Stydahar
# Joe Toye
# Joe Turner (ice hockey)
# Joe W. Kelly
# Joe Waggonner
# Joel Brand
# Joel Camargo
# Joel Hayward
# Joel Teitelbaum
# Johan Benders
# Johan Bernhard Hjort
# Johan Borgen
# Johan Carp
# Johan Hendrik Weidner
# Johan Hin
# Johan Nygaardsvold
# Johan Petro
# Johan Richthoff
# Johann Christian Claudius Devaranne
# Johann Gruber
# Johann Heynlin
# Johann Kremer
# Johann Maier
# Johann Rattenhuber
# Johann Rickmers
# Johann von Leers
# Johann von Ravenstein
# Johann Wilhelm Trollmann
# Johanna Kirchner
# Johanna Langefeld
# Johanna Wolf
# Johannes Bölter
# Johannes Blaskowitz
# Johannes Bobrowski
# Johannes de Grocheio
# Johannes Dieckmann
# Johannes Drost
# Johannes Flintrop
# Johannes Frießner
# Johannes Gandil (athlete)
# Johannes Hentschel
# Johannes Kleiman
# Johannes Kunze
# Johannes Lohs
# Johannes Maas
# Johannes Mayer
# Johannes Plendl
# Johannes Popitz
# Johannes Stark
# Johannes Steinhoff
# Johannes Terwogt
# Johannes van Dijk
# Johannes Wiese
# Johin
# John A. English
# John A. Gronouski
# John A. Kent
# John A. Nerud
# John A. Volpe
# John Addison
# John Agar
# John Aiken (RAF officer)
# John Alan Quinton
# John Albert O’Toole
# John Aldam Aizlewood
# John Alexander French
# John Alexander Sinclair
# John Amery
# John Anderson Barstow
# John Andrew Pearson (Royal Navy officer)
# John Arbuthnott, 16th Viscount of Arbuthnott
# John Archibald Wheeler
# John Arnold Austin
# John Arthur Jarvis
# John Arthur Love
# John Aspinwall Roosevelt
# John Augustine Collins
# John B. Kelly, Sr.
# John Bagot Glubb
# John Barbour (poet)
# John Barron (actor)
# John Basilone
# John Baskeyfield
# John Bassett
# John Beeley
# John Beresford (polo player)
# John Berger
# John Bernard Croak
# John Bernard Mackey
# John Birch (missionary)
# John Birmingham
# John Boles (sport shooter)
# John Boyd-Carpenter, Baron Boyd-Carpenter
# John Bradburne
# John Bradley (Iwo Jima)
# John Bray (athlete)
# John Bridge
# John Brown (spy)
# John Brown Hamilton
# John Brunt
# John Bunch
# John C. Arrowsmith
# John C. Browne (physicist)
# ''John C. Butler''-class destroyer escort
# John C. England
# John C. H. Lee
# John C. Metzler, Sr.
# John C. Meyer
# John C. Morgan
# John C. Sjogren
# John C. Squires
# John C. Waldron
# John C. West
# John C. Whitehead
# John C. Woods
# John Cade
# John Cecil Currie
# John Chafee
# John Charles Campbell
# John Charles Fenton
# John Charles Oakes Marriott
# John Christmas Møller
# John Ciardi
# John Clarence Butler
# John Cobb (motorist)
# John Codd
# John Connally
# John Connolly (rugby)
# John Courtis
# John Cregan (athlete)
# John Crichton, 5th Earl Erne
# John Cridlan Barrett
# John Crocker
# John Cross Jr
# John Cruickshank
# John Cullen Murphy
# John Cunningham (RAF officer)
# John Curtin
# John D. Bulkeley
# John D. Hawk
# John D. Kelly (World War II soldier)
# John D. Lavelle
# John D. MacDonald
# John D. Magrath
# John D. New
# John Dale Ryan
# John David Provoo
# John David Vanderhoof
# John David Wingfield
# John Davies (businessman)
# John de Courcy, 35th Baron Kingsale
# John de Innes
# John Demjanjuk
# John Derbyshire (swimmer)
# John Dering Nettleton
# John Desmond
# John Dill
# John Dingell
# John Drayton Baker
# John Duncan, Sr.
# John Dutton Frost
# John E. Butts
# John E. Dahlquist
# John E. Hull
# John Edmondson, 2nd Baron Sandford
# John Edwin Ashley Williams
# John Ehrlichman
# John Eisenhower
# John Eldridge, Jr.
# John Elliott (boxer)
# John Exley
# John F. "Jack" Hasey
# John F. Gerry
# John F. Kennedy
# John F. Thorson
# John Faunthorpe
# John Fees
# John Flanagan (athlete)
# John Ford
# John Francis McLaren
# John Frederick Andrews Higgins
# John Frost (pilot)
# John Fullerton Evetts
# John G. Colling
# John G. Crommelin
# John G. W. Husted, Jr.
# John Gardner (thriller writer)
# John Geiger
# John George Kemeny
# John George Walters Clark
# John Gillespie Magee, Jr.
# John Glenn
# John Godley, 3rd Baron Kilbracken
# John Godwin RNVR
# John Gofman
# John Gorman (politician)
# John Gottowt
# John Gregory Crace
# John Gretton, 1st Baron Gretton
# John Gudenus
# John Gurdon
# John H. D. Cunningham
# John H. Griffith
# John H. Hammond
# John H. Hubbard
# John H. Lang
# John H. Leims
# John H. Manley
# John H. Michaelis
# John H. Murphy
# John H. Secondari
# John H. Sides
# John H. Stickell
# John Hamilton (archbishop)
# John Hamilton (artist)
# John Hamilton Wedgwood
# John Hannah (VC)
# John Hansl
# John Harding, 1st Baron Harding of Petherton
# John Hare, 1st Viscount Blakenham
# John Harlan Willis
# John Harvey-Jones
# John Hawkesworth (British Army officer)
# John Hawkesworth (producer)
# John Hay Whitney
# John Henebry
# John Henry Anstice
# John Henry Balch
# John Henry Lake
# John Henry Towers
# John Hollar
# John Hollington Grayburn
# John Holt (educator)
# John Hope (meteorologist)
# John Howard (American actor)
# John Howard (British Army officer)
# John Howard Griffin
# John Hurst Edmondson
# John J. Creedon
# John J. Gilligan
# John J. Hennessey
# John J. McVeigh
# John J. Parker
# John J. Pinder, Jr.
# John J. Tominac
# John James Powers
# John Jansson
# John Jarman
# John Jestyn Llewellin, 1st Baron Llewellin
# John Johnston (Royal Household)
# John Joseph Doherty
# John Joseph Gilligan, Jr.
# John Joseph Parle
# John K. Cannon
# John K. Gerhart
# John K. Lawson
# John K. Singlaub
# John K. Snyder
# John K. Waters
# John Keefer Mahony
# John Kenley
# John Kennedy (rower)
# John Kenneth Macalister
# John Kimbrough
# John Kitzmiller
# John Knatchbull, 7th Baron Brabourne
# John L. DeWitt
# John L. Hall, Jr.
# John L. Jerstad
# John L. McLucas
# John L. Throckmorton
# John Lanham
# John Lavarack
# John Le Mesurier
# John Leach (Royal Navy officer)
# John Lemoinne
# John Leon Williamson
# John Leonard Wilson
# John Lesinski, Jr.
# John Lesley
# John List
# John Lucian Smith
# John Lukacs
# John Lymington
# John M. Janzen
# John M. Robsion, Jr.
# John M. Spalding
# John MacLeod (politician)
# John Macquarrie
# John Macy
# John Magee (missionary)
# John Manchester Allen
# John Marshall Harlan II
# John Masters
# John McGiver
# John McKay (football coach)
# John McKilligan
# John McLean (athlete)
# John McNally
# John Michael Bermingham
# John Mihalowski
# John Miller (rower)
# John Miller Martin
# John Mills
# John Misha Petkevich
# John Moffat (pilot)
# John Moore-Brabazon, 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara
# John Morrow Godfrey
# John Murray (soldier)
# John N. Mitchell
# John N. Reese, Jr.
# John Nash (artist)
# John Neil Randle
# John Northcott
# John O'Neil (rugby player)
# John O'Neill (VC)
# John O'Shea (director)
# John Okada
# John Ormsby Evelyn Vandeleur
# John P. Cromwell
# John P. Davies
# John P. Fardy
# John P. Lucas
# John P. Washington
# John Patrick (rugby player)
# John Patrick Kenneally
# John Paul Hammerschmidt
# John Paul Stevens
# John Pelham Mann
# John Pendlebury
# John Pennington Harman
# John Peyton, Baron Peyton of Yeovil
# John Phillips (actor)
# John Prebble
# John Prendergast (soldier)
# John Profumo
# John R. Alison
# John R. Crews
# John R. Deane, Jr.
# John R. Dunning
# John R. Foley
# John R. Fox
# John R. Hodge
# John R. Towle
# John Rabe
# John Randolph (actor)
# John Rarick
# John Rathbone (Bodmin)
# John Rawls
# John Raymond Broadbent (Quartermaster)
# John Raymond Broadbent (Major General)
# John Raymond Rice
# John Reith, 1st Baron Reith
# John Renshaw Starr
# John Richard Hyde
# John Rigas
# John Rimmer
# John Robert Osborn
# John Rockefeller Prentice
# John Roderick (correspondent)
# John Russell (actor)
# John Russell, 13th Duke of Bedford
# John Ruthven (artist)
# John S. Blue
# John S. McCain, Jr.
# John S. McCain, Sr.
# John S. Service
# John S. Wilder
# John Salmond
# John Sells
# John Severin
# John Sidney Garrett
# John Smith (Conservative politician)
# John Spellman (wrestler)
# John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
# John Stacey
# John Steele (paratrooper)
# John Stuart Mould
# John Swainson
# John Sweet (actor)
# John Sydney Lethbridge
# John Symes
# John T. "Tommy" Blackburn
# John T. Corley
# John T. Eversole
# John Tate
# John Thach
# John Thivy
# John Thomas Davies
# John Thompson McKellar Anderson
# John Tiltman
# John Toland (author)
# John Tovey, 1st Baron Tovey
# John Tower
# John Tremayne Babington
# John Trevor Godfrey
# John Tsukano
# John Tyler Morgan
# John V. Power
# John Vassall
# John Vereker, 6th Viscount Gort
# John Vincent (sailor)
# John von Neumann
# John W. Bonner
# John W. Dutko
# John W. Meagher
# John W. Minick
# John W. O'Daniel
# John W. Peterson
# John W. Rankin
# John W. Vogt, Jr.
# John Waldegrave
# John Wallace Linton
# John Warburton Paul
# John Ward (airman)
# John Warner
# John Warrender, 2nd Baron Bruntisfield
# John Wayne Airport
# John Weir Foote
# John Wells (politician)
# John Wheeler-Bennett
# John Whyte-Melville-Skeffington, 13th Viscount Massereene
# John Widgery, Baron Widgery
# John William Best
# John William Finn
# John William Haas
# John William Harper
# John William Vessey, Jr.
# John Wilson (1927-28 pitcher)
# John Wilson, 2nd Baron Moran
# John Winthrop Hackett Junior
# John Wooldridge
# John Wyndham
# John Yates (bishop)
# John Zacherle
# John, Dauphin of France (1398-1417)
# Johnnie David Hutchins
# Johnnie Johnson (RAF officer)
# Johnny Beazley
# Johnny Carson
# Johnny Checketts
# Johnny Grant (radio personality)
# Johnny Höglin
# Johnny Johnson (British Army officer)
# Johnny Mølby
# Johnny Murray
# Johnny Orr
# Johnny Ramensky
# Johnny Reder
# Johnny Rigney
# Johnny Schmitz
# Johnny Vaught
# Johnny Weissmuller
# Joice NanKivell Loch
# Jon Baker
# Jon Elster
# Jon Istad
# Jon Latimer
# Jon Whitcomb
# Jona von Ustinov
# Jonah Edward Kelley
# Jonas H. Ingram
# Jonas Lie (government minister)
# Jonas Slier
# Jonastal
# Jonathan Assous
# Jonathan Biabiany
# Jonathan Higgins
# Jonathan Joseph-Augustin
# Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright IV
# Jonathan O. Seaman
# Jonathan Tokplé
# Jonathan Winters
# Jonni Myyrä
# Jonny Nilsson
# Joop Westerweel
# Jordan Nikolov Orce
# Jorge Alonso Treviño
# Jorge Burruchaga
# Jorge Semprún
# Jorge Tibiriçá Piratininga
# Jorge Ubico
# Jorma Sarvanto
# Jose Calugas
# Jose F. Valdez
# Jose M. Cabanillas
# Jose M. Lopez
# Josef Čapek
# Josef Allerberger
# Josef Balabán
# Josef Blösche
# Josef Bühler
# Josef Bürckel
# Josef Bremm
# Josef Eder
# Josef Feistmantl
# Josef František
# Josef Grohé
# Josef Haas
# Josef Harpe
# Josef Jacobs
# Josef Jakobs
# Josef Kammhuber
# Josef Kramer
# Josef Krips
# Josef Matoušek
# Josef Mengele
# Josef Nassy
# Josef Oberhauser (war criminal)
# Josef Pfitzner
# Josef Plieseis
# Josef Priller
# Josef Rosensaft
# Josef Schneider (rower)
# Josef Schwammberger
# Josef Terboven
# Josef Thorak
# Josef Wagner (Gauleiter)
# Josef Wilhelm
# Josef Wirmer
# Josef Wurmheller
# Josef Zwernemann
# Joseph-Alfred Foulon
# Joseph-Nicolas Delisle
# Joseph A. Farinholt
# Joseph Albert Walker
# Joseph Alexandre Laboulbène
# Joseph Alzin
# Joseph André
# Joseph Autran
# Joseph Babinski
# Joseph Bangust
# Joseph Bau
# Joseph Bech
# Joseph Berchtold
# Joseph Beyrle
# Joseph Bodner
# Joseph Burlazzi
# Joseph Burnett
# Joseph C. McConnell
# Joseph Caillaux
# Joseph Carlebach
# Joseph Chénier
# Joseph Crockett
# Joseph d'Haussonville
# Joseph Darnand
# Joseph De Combe
# Joseph de Goislard de Monsabert
# Joseph Dodge
# Joseph E. Muller
# Joseph E. Schaefer
# Joseph Edward Connolly
# Joseph Epstein (French Resistance leader)
# Joseph F. Biroc
# Joseph F. Merrell
# Joseph F. Smith (politician)
# Joseph Fourier University
# Joseph Fourier
# Joseph François Michaud
# Joseph Gainard
# Joseph Gilbert Hamilton
# Joseph Goebbels
# Joseph Gregory
# Joseph Grew
# Joseph H. Harper
# Joseph Harcourt Tombs
# Joseph Heller
# Joseph Henry Silk
# Joseph Hughes (GC)
# Joseph J. Clark
# Joseph J. McCarthy
# Joseph J. Nazzaro
# Joseph J. Sadowski
# Joseph Joffre
# Joseph Jules Beecken
# Joseph Justus Scaliger
# Joseph Kessel
# Joseph Kofi Adda
# Joseph Lakanal
# Joseph Leo Doob
# Joseph Lesniewski
# Joseph Liebgott
# Joseph Louis François Bertrand
# Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
# Joseph Louis Lagrange
# Joseph M. Gaydos
# Joseph M. Reeves
# Joseph McCarthy
# Joseph Müller (Catholic lawyer)
# Joseph Müller (priest)
# Joseph Olivier (rugby union)
# Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr.
# Joseph Paul Franklin
# Joseph Pletinckx
# Joseph R. Holzapple
# Joseph R. Julian
# Joseph Retinger
# Joseph Riddle, Jr.
# Joseph Rochefort
# Joseph Rosenstock
# Joseph Rotblat
# Joseph Rovan
# Joseph S. Clark
# Joseph Salas
# Joseph Sarnoski
# Joseph Schacht
# Joseph Stalin
# Joseph Stilwell
# Joseph Stone, Baron Stone
# Joseph T. Dawson
# Joseph T. McNarney
# Joseph T. O'Callahan
# Joseph Taussig
# Joseph Ujlaki
# Joseph W. Barr
# Joseph W. Dailey
# Joseph W. Finch, Jr.
# Joseph W. Kennedy
# Joseph W. Ozbourn
# Joseph Wapner
# Joseph Warren Stilwell, Jr
# Joseph Watt
# Joseph Weldon Bailey, Jr.
# Josephine Baker
# Joshua Logan
# Josiah E. DuBois, Jr
# Josiah McCracken
# Josiah Stamp, 1st Baron Stamp
# Josias Hartmann
# Josias, Hereditary Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont
# Josip Broz Tito
# Josip Kraš
# José-Karl Pierre-Fanfan
# José Álvarez de Bohórquez
# José Andrade
# José Cabrero Arnal
# José Cobos
# José Dolhem
# José María de Heredia
# José Mouzinho
# José Nasazzi
# José Navarro Morenes
# José Naya
# José P. Laurel
# José Touré
# José Vidal (footballer)
# Jourdain (Paris Métro)
# Journal des débats
# Journal of Historical Review
# Journey for Margaret
# Jovan Plamenac
# Jovanka Broz
# Joy Bright Hancock
# Joyce Lebra
# Joyce Lussu
# Jozef Gabčík
# Jozef Matlak
# Jozef Tiso
# Jozef Turanec
# Joël Bats
# Ján Golian
# János Garay (fencer)
# János Wenk
# Juan Antonio Ríos
# Juan César Cordero Dávila
# Juan Gilberto Funes
# Juan José Calandria
# Juan José de Amézaga
# Juan Martín Hernández
# Juan Modesto
# Juan Pablo Sorín
# Juan Pujol (alias Garbo)
# Juana Bormann
# Jud Simons
# Judah Messer Leon (1166)
# Judah P. Benjamin
# Judenfrei
# Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial
# Judenrat
# Judges' Trial
# Judgment at Nuremberg
# Judith Auer
# Judith Kerr
# Jugendbund
# Juho Kusti Paasikivi
# Jules Armand Dufaure
# Jules Bocandé
# Jules Bonvalet
# Jules Cambon
# Jules De Bisschop
# Jules de Clérambault
# Jules Dewaquez
# Jules Dumont
# Jules Favre
# Jules Ferry
# Jules Granier
# Jules Guesde
# Jules James
# Jules Janin
# Jules Joffrin (Paris Métro)
# Jules Lemaître
# Jules Michelet
# Jules Olitski
# Jules Sandeau
# Jules Simon
# Jules Sylvain Zeller
# Jules Vallès
# Jules Verne
# Jules Vuillemin
# Julia Catherine Stimson
# Julia Child
# Julia Duffy (Axis of Time)
# Julia Rozenberg
# Julian Amery, Baron Amery of Lustleigh
# Julian C. Smith
# Julian Faber
# Julian Kulski
# Julian Scherner
# Julie Depardieu
# Julie Dreyfus
# Julie Manet
# Julie Vlasto
# Julie Wolfthorn
# Julien Arias
# Julien Baudet
# Julien de Lallande Poydras
# Julien François
# Julien Green
# Julien Havet
# Julien Saubade
# Juliet Berto
# Juliette Binoche
# Julije Makanec
# Julio Chiaramonte
# Julio Cortázar
# Julio César Cáceres
# Julio Dely Valdés
# Julio Hernán Rossi
# Julio Olarticoechea
# Julius Buckler
# Julius D. Canns
# Julius Dorpmüller
# Julius Frey
# Julius Fučík
# Julius Hirsch
# Julius Körner
# Julius Keyl
# Julius Klinger
# Julius Leber
# Julius Lippert (politician)
# Julius Ochs Adler
# Julius Paltiel
# Julius Ringel
# Julius Schaub
# Julius Schreck
# Julius Schulte-Frohlinde
# Julius Streicher
# Julius W. Becton, Jr.
# Juliusz Bursche
# Juliusz Rómmel
# Juliusz Zulauf
# July 20 plot
# July Column
# Jun Ushiroku
# June Days Uprising
# Jungle Carbine
# Jungle Division
# Jungle Queen (serial)
# Jungmädelbund
# Junichi Sasai
# Junio Valerio Borghese
# Junior J. Spurrier
# Junior Juniper
# Junior Van Noy
# Junker (SS rank)
# Junkers A 35
# Junkers EF 009
# Junkers EF 132
# Junkers EF 61
# Junkers G.38
# Junkers J.I
# Junkers Ju 160
# Junkers Ju 187
# Junkers Ju 188
# Junkers Ju 252
# Junkers Ju 287
# Junkers Ju 288
# Junkers Ju 290
# Junkers Ju 322
# Junkers Ju 352
# Junkers Ju 388
# Junkers Ju 390
# Junkers Ju 488
# Junkers Ju 52
# Junkers Ju 86
# Junkers Ju 87
# Junkers Ju 88
# Junkers Ju 89
# Junkers Ju 90
# Junkers W 34
# Juno Beach Centre
# Juno Beach
# Junrokurō Matsuura
# Junyō Maru
# Juozas Lukša
# Jura Soyfer
# Jure Francetić
# Jurek Becker
# Jussieu (Paris Métro)
# Jussieu Campus
# Just Fontaine
# Just Like That
# Justas Paleckis
# Justice M. Chambers
# Justinien de Clary
# Justus Scrafford
# Jutta Rüdiger
# Jérôme Éyana
# Jérôme Alonzo
# Jérôme Carcopino
# Jérôme Lalande
# Jérôme Leroy (footballer)
# Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve
# Jérôme Rothen
# Jérémy Clément
# Jérémy Toulalan
# Jäger Report

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